Satellite Group

Cabin Satellite Group

Since the beginning of September (2024) the Verulam Amateur Radio Club have been putting together a satellite system up at the cabin. A group of around 20 members from the club can be found on the associated WhatApp group with about 6 members actively setting up the station.

The plan is to be able to operate the Satellite system over the remote radios that we have set up there, the IC-9700 being the radio in use for this project. To simplify things and to make this possible a ‘control box’ called SAT has been acquired. This allows for automatic tracking of the satellite with the antenna and simultaneous automatic frequency control of the radio.

If you are interested in taking part in this exciting aspect of the hobby, then you would be most welcome to join the gang on a Wednesday evening up at the cabin. In the first instance contact Matt (G7HMV).

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