We are now running a new system with our Remote Radios.

Remote Radio
If you have used the remote in the past and couldn’t find us, you will now find our remotes at the web address http://remote.verulam-arc.org.uk.
You will need to have logged your call sign and password with one of the keepers of the remote to get access. (email: peter@g0oik.co.uk)
VARC currently has two remote controlled radios that allows access to the HF bands. The first is an IC-7300 which is currently connected to the Optibeam and covers the 20, 15 and 10m bands. The second is a Yaesu FTdx 10 which is connected to an end fed and covers the bands 80, 60, 40 and 30m. Members of the club can be given access to the remote which will allow them to both receive and transmit from the cabin site from the comfort of their home using a PC/laptop or phone on a web browser.
This facility allows for members to operate a radio in an RF quiet environment (minimum interference – QRM) with a set up that many can not hope to set up at home, either because of space, local QRM or with too much risk of annoying family and neighbours!
We have a number of PDF documents that you can download from the links below. We are now using a paid service that works on a Raspberry Pi, and is proving to be a more reliable system.
If you are a VARC member then let me know your callsign (peter@g0oik.co.uk) I can then add it to the list of operators to allow you to log in. If you are not local but wish to join VARC as a ‘Country member’ you would be most welcome to do so and use our remote facility too.
VARC Remote Radio PDFs
Starter Guide
Admin – Jeremy M1CVZ – jeremy.r.turner@me.com
Membership – Peter G0OIK – peter@g0oik.co.uk
Backup contacts
Matt G7HMV – matt@matt-wood
Peter G4HSO – (peter’s firstnamethencallsignasonewordlowercase)@ gmail.com