GB7VR is a dual mode repeater which uses FM and Fusion on the 2m band. The repeater operates on the 145.6125 (TX) with minus .6 MHz (145.0125) shift for receive.
On FM we use NFM (12.5 Hz) and the CTCSS tone is 82.5 Hz. The FM side of the repeater works just as a local repeater and does not involve any internet connection.
Fusion is the Yaesu digital voice platform that runs C4FM. In this mode you can also connect over the internet via WiresX which gives world wide coverage. The repeater is normally connected to the Southern Fusion Network of repeaters, but can be directed to any other ‘room’ or ‘talk group’.

GB7VR is part of a network of repeater in Hertfordshire. You can visit the Herts Repeater group website HERE!