The CQ WW SSB contest takes place over 48 hours and takes place in the last week of October each year.
This is a world wide contest which is organised by CQ magazine in America. For this one we normally set up three stations at the cabin which all operate simultaneously over different bands. We are pretty relaxed about who operates when, so if you are interested in joining us this year then please do drop me an email (address at the foot of this article) and I will keep you updated of relevant details.
A big part of the fun of this contest is deciding on the antennas and setting them up in the preceding days and weeks. A working party of us will go to the cabin and set things up ready for the kick off at mid-night of the Friday.
If you would be interested in getting involved, the please do email me peter@g0oik.co.uk.
73 Peter G0OIK.