Autumn Series

Each year we take part in the RSGB’s Autumn Series of contests.

These contests take place over a period of three months starting in September, with three contests per month. These alternate between SSB, CW and DATA contests over the period of a month and they all take place on the 80m band between 20:00 and 21:30 local UK time.

This is an accumulative contest in the sense that the more operators that we have taking part and putting their scores in towards our group (Verulam) then the better we score in the league overall. You can see how we are doing at present by checking the RSGB website HERE!

This years (2024) contests are scheduled as follows:

SeptemberMonday 2ndSSB
Wednesday 11thCW
Thursday 26thData
OctoberMonday 7ndCW
Wednesday 16thData
Thursday 24thSSB
NovemberMonday 4thData
Wednesday 13thSSB
Thursday 28rdCW
Please do feel free to join in the fun and if you need any help with setting up your station or the software that you use, then please contact me Peter G0OIK at

Please also contact me if you would like to join me in my own shack during a contest to see how it runs. I will be running the clubs contest call of G3V.

73 for now and look forward to getting you in the log,

Peter G0OIK.
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